All answers reflect the 2025 Season.
Q: What are your age requirements?
A: North Pole Wrestling Club (NPWC) is open to wrestlers ages 5 and up. Regardless of skill level at any age.
Q: What are your membership fees?
A: Our team registration fee is $100.00. Each registered wrestler will receive a team t-shirt. There is an additional $46.00 annual membership fee (per wrestler) that you pay directly to USA Wrestling.
Q: How long does your season run?
A: Our season typically runs from the end of January through the first week of May, when State is held in Wasilla. The 2025 season will run from Monday, January 27 - Tuesday, April 29. State is scheduled for May 1, 2, & 3, at the Wasilla Sports Complex.
Q: When will my child practice?
A: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.
6:00-7:00 for Novice
6:45-8:30 for Advanced (advanced start date TBD)
Q: Where are practices held?
A: Practices will be held at the North Pole Middle School (upstairs in the mat room).
Q: What gear is needed?
A: For practice: Athletic shorts and shirt, or singlets may be worn, mat shoes and headgear are a requirement. For tournaments: Singlets, mat shoes, and headgear are required. It's recommended that your wrestler have an additional set of headgear for tournaments. Team singlets and other NPWC gear will be available for purchase during the season. No zippers, buttons, or snaps on practice gear. Fingernails must be trimmed short. No jewelry of any kind. Long hair must be kept up in a ponytail or a hair slicker must be worn. Mark your gear!
Q: When and where are the tournaments?
A: Info can be found here on our website under the TOURNAMENTS tab. As tournaments near and the hosting team's flyer is released, detailed info will be posted in the mat room and to the Facebook page.
Q: Do you guys need any coaching help?
A: We're always appreciative of assistance on the mats. To be on the mats - parent coaches must provide a copy of their Copper or higher coaching certification. Information can be found here,